Yeah. I didn't
not like it but I didn't love it for sure. It was a bit too naive and sweet for my taste.
I didn't really like how Owen went from this mysterious, crusty recluse (at the age of 25 or so?) to this sweet and caring lover. Then to have some alpha characteristics pop out, well, I just didn't buy it.
The conflict between the MCs never seemed all that serious and the side conflict that happened in the gal's family seemed
WAY too serious for the rest of the book. I mean there was some serious shit going on that was really just brushed to the side. It was kinda nuts.
Also, it's apparently set in the late 1950s/early 60s. Never got that vibe at all. I'd only remember that when the date was written at the beginning of a chapter or when the mom and daughter were having a sweet/awkward chat about sex and marriage and one would comment on how hard things are for the ladies of the time and how limited their options are. Otherwise, there was really no other descriptives that lent themselves to placing you in a certain time period in history.
Not nearly enough paranormal to even call it that. I've recently learned the term "cozy mystery" and I think I would label this a "cozy romance," if that's a thing.
Oh yeah, can I stop reading these immaculate virgin stories? It's beyond stupid and I just can't with the virgin, multiple orgasms, twu luuuuv. Ugh. This lil sheltered girl from the holler knew about the Kama Sutra (which did add a funny line to the story but still...)!
In the end, it wasn't a waste of time, it didn't offend and it wasn't poorly written but I'm not really interested enough in any of the characters or the storyline to continue with the series.